Horisont Restaurant & Bar
Horisont Bar is open now everyday from 5 PM till late!
8 m from hotel
Tornimäe 3
A guide to great places near Swissotel Tallinn
Horisont Bar is open now everyday from 5 PM till late!
8 m from hotel
Tornimäe 3
95% of all employees are old and tired of their jobs. I always get the cold eye from them. Don't know why. I'm a nice guy.
389 m from hotel
Gonsiori 2
Awarded as Best Vapiano restaurant in the World by Vapiano's own people in 2009. Having experienced 4 establishments in Europe myself, i vouch this to be true
0.7 km from hotel
Hobujaama 10
Most social venue in old Tallinn with: draft Leffe, Belhaven, Kwak etc, but overcrowded since 7PM.
1.1 km from hotel
Pikk 39